Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blue Eyed Jealousy


This morning, we looked after a neighbor's daughter for a couple of hours. Baby S is about four months older than LO, and despite the look LO is giving her here, quite the sweet little girl.

LO was not pleased. The first hour, he made sure to give her the stink eye while we got the two of them ready for a walk down to the farmer's market. The following is an unretouched transcript of the conversation between LO and Baby S as J and I got the strollers, snacks, diaper bags, water bottles, sun hats, sunscreen, sun glasses, reusable grocery bags, cash, GPS, mosquito netting, and kitchen sink ready for the mile long walk:

LO: You'd better watch yourself, Missy. These are my parents.
Baby S: Watch yourself yourself! I can walk.
LO: Yeah, well, you can't compete the with level of noise that I can generate.
Baby S: Big whoop. I've got 8 teeth.
LO: I've got a bigger head!
Baby S: I can say 'banana!'

This went on for some time--basically, until we got under way. Baby S fell asleep on our walk, but LO made sure to keep a close eye on her for any indication that she might be trying to usurp his position. You never can be too careful about interlopers.

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